Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth


Spread your message of peace in Fiesta de Merce, 23-26. September


Everybody is welcome to join our activities  in Fiesta de la Merce and spread the message of peace!

Already for the second year Fundacion Catalunya Voluntaria
is organising a peace activity during the biggest annual festival in Barcelona. We ask visitors to join our tents, take one minute for reflection and write their message of peace on a poster picturing the peace dove. The doves have become specially popular among children who express their feelings towards peace in colouring the birds!

This year our tents can be found in Monjuic Castle and Pl.Catalunya.

The actrivity is organised in collaboration with Barcelona City Government and Monjuic Castle

Workshop on peace education in Escola Fasia

To celebrate the International Day of Peace on 21 September, Fundacion Catalunya Voluntaria launched an activity session for local implementation of the Peace Bag toolkit in co-operation with local schools . The aim of the sessions is to integrate concepts of peace and intercultural understanding to school lessons and provide teachers with the oportunity to integrate formal and non-formal education.

The first session took place in Escola Fasia, primary school for children with special needs in Barcelona, and involved over 40 youngsters aged between 4-15. “We are very satisfied with the activities of the workshop! The biggest joy for us is to see our pupils being so enthusiastic about different games and of course – colouring the doves!” said one of the teachers.

For more information on Peace Bag local implementation please contact us at
projectes.pau (at)

18 EuroMed Organisations Meet in Alexandria for the 3rd Phase of Peace Bag for Euromed Youth, a long-term project of the Anna Lindh Foundation (June 30, 2010)


From 10-16 July, 18 organisations from 14 Euromed countries will come together for the Phase 3 meeting of the project Peace Bag for Euromed Youth – a long-term programme of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Official representatives of organisations from Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Poland, Palestine, Romania, the Netherlands, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey, will meet at the Biblioteca Alexandrina in Alexandria to evaluate the Peace Bag toolkit, which is one of the main outputs of the partnership.

Click HERE to read more about the partners and activities.

Peace Bag meets in Georgia! (June 25, 2010)


During June 11-19, 2010 as many as 6 partners of the Peace Bag project met in Kobuleti, Georgia for a training on conflict management and peacebuilding in youth work.

Organised by the United Network of Young Peacebuilders, a partner of the Peace Bag, the training course was aimed at dealing  with  conflict,  provide  basic  education  on  roots  of  conflicts,  as well as educational tools on conflict  management, strategies, conflict mapping, and learn about the function of grass-root peacebuilding initiatives lead by young people.

Take a look at the gallery to see more photos.

Peace Bag activity calendar

This calendar contains events that have been implemented the activities in the frames of Peace Bag for Euromed Youth project. Here you will find the name, dates, venue and short description of the activity as well as the organizer.

The calendar starts with Phase I: Training Course in 25 February - March, 2010 in Spain.

Stay tuned for further updates!
Your Peace Bag!

Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence 10-16 May, 2010

Volunteers from Fundació Catalunya Voluntária are inviting: "Let´s play Peace!" (26 April, 2010)

What? Awareness campaign towards better gun laws and stronger regulation of the global arms trade
When? 10-16 May, 2010
Where? Around the world

This activity "Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence" has been organized each year around the world. The initiative has been started by The International Action Network on Small Arms - IANSA members. For example last year IANSA members higlighted the human cost of small arms prolifelation and misuse in more than 90 countries and they demanded governments enact policies that would put their citizens' security first.

Peace is everything but violence! Volunteers from Catalunya Voluntaria are inviting you up to organize some nice activities in your own communities during this week of action!


***Read more about IANSA and their activities from
***Read more about the Global Action Week Against Gun Violence from here.


Report about Interfaith Training Course in England

Fundació Catalunya Voluntária had a chance to participate on a training course about Interfaith Dialogue in April 7-14. Interfaith is directly connected to Peace topic and therefore we would like to share what kind of methods were used during this training course.

Take a look at the photos from the activity-based report.
Interfaith TC Newcastle 7-14 April_2010.pdf
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Peace Baggers are happy to share the report of Phase I (24 March 2010)

The website visitors who are not connected with our project might ask: "Who are the Peace Baggers?". Let us answer and say that it´s US :) The Peace Baggers are all the participants and partners who are giving their input to Peace Bag project! As easy as that :) To know more about our project, please follow the report attached to the news and take a look at more pages of our website!

!!! 24 youth workers and youth leaders. 14 countries. 1 goal – to understand peace and intercultural dialogue and how it can be translated and promoted through day to day work with young people !!!
The first phase of the project was held in Vilanova i La Geltrú, Spain from 25. February until 4. March 2010 followed by Anna Lindh Forum 2010 (4-7 March) in Barcelona, where most of our participants were seen. The group left Barcelona not just with new friends, not just with the toolkit draft, but also with new insights and future plans that will allow them to move on to the next phases of  the project - knowing that the group is behind them – ready to support and inspire!
Read more what exactly happened and take a journey together with Peace Bag photos:
REPORT_Peace Bag Phase I.pdf
File Size: 4820 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File


Read our supporter´s Anna Lindh´s Newsletter (23. March, 2010)

In the March 2010 edition of the Foundation´s Newsletter you can find an overview of the Anna Lindh Forum 2010, including:

*The participation of more than 1000 civil society representatives.
*The key debates and initial output of the Agora Workshops.
*Inside the Medina activities and Intercultural Fair.

Download the newsletters in 3 languages: English and Arabic and French.

Peace Baggers also suggest you to check out the updates on the event blog
and contribute your ideas and reflections on the very first Forum.