Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth



This project is carried out with the help of 18 partners from 14 different countries. You can find the partner list and logos below. By clicking on the logo you will automatically be directed to the organization´s webpage.

 South Mediterranean Countries:

Algeria -
AGIR - L'Association AGIR pour le Développement et l`Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Egypt - DNB - Development NO Borders
Jordan - JYIF - JORDAN Youth Innovation Forum
Jordan - Nationwide Academic Cultural Centre
Lebanon - Development Sans Frontieres
Palestine - Holy Land Trust
Tunisia - AJMEC - Association des jeunes mediterannees pour les echanges culturels
Turkey  - TOG - Toplum Gönüllüleri- Community Volunteers

EU Countries:

- United Nations Association of Bulgaria
Greece - HAI - Hellenic Association of Informatics
Italy - CESIE - Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo
Italy - Associazione Culturale II Monastero
The Netherlands - UNOY - United Network of Young Peacebuilders
The Netherlands - Culture Clash4U
Poland - The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation
Romania - AREAS - The Regional Association for Adult Education Suceava
Spain - Fundació Catalunya Voluntária