Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth


Welcome to Peace Bag webpage!

This webpage is about Anna Lindh Long Term Programme "Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth 2009-2011" organised by Foundation Catalonia Voluntaria along with 17 partner organisations brought together by a common vision for peace and intercultural understanding in the EuroMed region and beyond.

Briefly about the project

Peace Bag for Euro-Mediterranean Youth will bring together 24 young people from European and South Mediterranean countries as well as partner organizations in a 3-phase programme that aims at building capacities and skills for peace work among youth.

The aim of the program is to experience and work out a PEACE BAG - a toolkit on intercultural understanding and conflict transformation in youth work, combating stereotypes, fostering cooperation in the field of joint youth activities among Euro-Mediterranean countries in order to broaden and strengthen the peace constituency among the youth in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Why a 3-phase program?

We believe in the importance of content and process. This peace bag toolkit will be continually developed, improved, tried and tested in both international and local contexts, through the participants´ and partner organizations´ activities and initiatives. The phases are as following:
Phase 1
Training Course
25 February-4 March 2010
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Phase 2
Preparation of the publication
March-June 2010

Phase 3
Follow-up, Evaluation and Network Meeting
July 10-16 2010
Cairo, Egypt

What can you find from this website?

We have uploaded information about the "Project" and about the project phases as well as the  introduction about the expected outcome Peace Bag "Toolkit". Under "Associations" section you will find the organizations that will take part in this programme as well as info about the organizing and the funding organizations.


You can find useful papers under "Multimedia" section (the TC programme, information guide, train schedule etc.) and a "Gallery" where we will upload photos from the project. There has been created an online "Forum", where you can share your thoughts, communicate with other participants  and ask questions from organizing team. Be kind to explore :)