Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth

The Project

Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth will bring together 24 young people from European and South Mediterranean countries in a 3-phase program that aims to foster intercultural understanding and mutual respect through dialogue, while at the same time, building capacities and skills for peace work among youth.

The aim of the program is to experience and work out a PEACE BAG - toolkit on intercultural understanding and conflict transformation in youth work, combating stereotypes, fostering cooperation in the field of joint youth initiatives among EuroMediterranean countries in order to broaden and strengthen the peace constituency among the youth in the EuroMediterranean region.

The over-all objective of the program is to increase capacities of young people in peacebuilding and dialogue, and connect different organizations for a more consolidated and intercultural peace constituency among youth in the EuroMediterranean region.

Under the next sections you can read separately about the 3 phases of the project: Phase I, Phase II and Phase III, explore the objectives and learn about the future outcome - the Peace Bag "Toolkit".