Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth

Welcome to the gallery of Peace Bag events!

Peace Bag meets in Georgia! (June 11-19, 2010)

Conflict Management and Peace Building training course in Georgia from 11-19 of June, 2010. Read the report under the news section by clicking here.

Peace Bag is getting started: Phase I in Spain (25. Feb - 4. March, 2010)

Peace Bag Phase I training course in Vilanova i La Geltrú, Catalonia, Spain from 25. February - 4. March, 2010. Download the final report of Phase I:
REPORT_Peace Bag Phase I
File Size: 4820 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File

Before everything started
Day 1 Getting to know each other and our organizations

Day 2 Dealing with conflicts

Day 3 Intercultural dialogue among the partecipants and beyond

Day 4 Preparing the PEACE BAG

Day 5 Barcelona tour and official reception at the Parliament of Catalonia

Day 6 Writing Workshop for the Peace Bag Tool Kit