Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth


Many people see peace as an elusive goal that can never be achieved. Peace is both an aspiration and a process that we should all share, regardless of background, context, or culture. Education about peace is more needed than ever, especially at present, when our world is becoming more and more complex and harder to understand. This common vision for peace should be complemented with capacities, skills and opportunities needed to pursue it.

Young people are crucial actors in the peace process as the main stakeholders of future societies. Nowadays, youth movements and institutions around the world face the ever-growing complexity and diversity of youth work.
Where different youth initiatives exist, there is a need to consolidate and synchronize the segmented nature of youth action in addressing different intercultural (socio-cultural) issues in the EuroMed region.

The important role of peace and intercultural education are seen as essential preconditions for youth mobility, development of international activities and for increased youth participation. It is important to understand that the Culture of Peace is holistic, and that it can be built through relationships, understanding and dialogue. Strengthening the peace and intercultural dimensions of youth initiatives is one way to establish a long term platform of cooperation among the dynamic network of young people engaged in taking the peacebuilding idea further on and implementing it in diverse global as well as local settings.